Tavertian Mindscape

Welcome! We're kris aka Miriam, the writer behind TavertianMind on AO3 and are currently the most prolific writer of Bottom!Marco the Phoenix within the MarAce tag. (Go ahead and check just to make sure. We'll wait.)
If you've found this site it's most likely because we applied to your fanzine and you wanted to check out our credentials and/or you read one of our fics on AO3 and clicked on the link to find us elsewhere.
(Despite referring to ourself with we/us/our/ourself and other related pronouns, we are, in fact, a singular person with one body. Not multiple people writing under the same pseudonym.)
NOTE: bsky link is for our Dragunov(Tekken)-simping shenanigans, not One Piece.

Ships We Will Actively Write For

  • Marco/Ace(/Sabo) (Bottom!Marco! only if NSFW)

  • Luffy/Koby

  • Sakazuki/Aramaki

  • Rouge/Roger

  • Usopp/Kaya

  • Franky/Robin

  • Garp/Bogard

Ships We Will Add But Not Actively Write For:

  • Doflamingo/Crocodile

  • Zoro/Kiku

  • Law/Bepo

  • Nami/Vivi (and pretty much any woman, really)

  • Sabo/Koala/Lucci (either Koala and/or Lucci)

  • Jango/Fullbody

  • Mr. 9/Miss Monday

Current AO3 Stats:

  • 2024 Word Count: 28, 680

  • 2024 Fics Posted: 17

  • Total Word Count: 112,682

  • Total Fics Posted: 56

Previous AO3 Stats:

  • 2022 Word Count: 10,782

  • 2022 Fics Posted: 3

  • 2023 Word Count: 82,441

  • 2023 Fics Posted: 36

Fic Challenges, & Events:

  • TBA

Fan Zines

  • Writing Contributor: News Coo Zines One Piece Soulmate Zine (Out Now)

  • Writing Contributor: News Coo Zines Boys, Boys, Boys (TBP Late 2024)

  • In Progress: Bell-Mere Fanzine (Formatting Mod: Creation Period Now!!!)

  • Writing Contributor: News Coo Zines Calendar Zine (TBP Late 2024)

  • 1 (Secret: Contributor)


We are not a multishipper and will not write for pairings we either don't care about or actively dislike.
BUT! We also have a strict Ship and Let Ship Policy.
Even if it's problematic.
Please curate your own online experience for yourself! We Do Not believe in gatekeeping fandom and fanworks depicting fictional characters that others create and/or consume of their own free will.